Are the working classes revolting?
Why Is social prejudice and stigma increasing in the UK
Are shifts in British society, with less proximity for many to people unlike themselves, creating increasing marginalisation, stigmatization, and polarization of working-class identities such as Cockney, Scouse, and Weegie?
In his works ‘Road to Somewhere’ Goodhart identifies how swathes of working-class communities, what he calls ‘Somewhere people’, have been demonised in post-Brexit Britain, while his book ‘Head, Hand, Heart’ investigates how technical, practical abilities using the hand, and social and empathetic skills using emotional heart, are devalued, alienating and demoralising the people who do the jobs that require them.
Is there a need to recognise how social identities, like Cockneys – the ‘unposh Londoners’ – provide values of supportiveness and togetherness to face up to adversity. Yet are we witnessing its marginalisation, even a denial of its existence?
Can recognition of regional identities like Cockney help address increasing division and polarisation in modern Britain?
Join us for a free online discussion at 12 noon on Monday March 25th. Book your place here https://buytickets.at/cockneycultures/1194327
Do you feel working class prejudice is on the increase?