What you can do

Please support our efforts to create the Museum of the Modern Cockney’ where we need just 100 people to chip in £20 each to receive their own ‘pocket museum’ version in a limited edition deck of cards. Show your support now at : https://gofund.me/e2ccd74a.

Join us in celebrating the vibrant culture, heritage, and future of ‘non-posh Londoners’ aka Cockneys.

The Modern Cockney Festival (March 1st – 31st) is creating a virtual Museum of the Modern Cockney telling ‘The Story of Cockney in 50 objects’.

Whether you’re ‘Old School Cockney’, part of the ‘Cockney Diaspora’ living beyond the traditional heartlands or second, third or more generation Cockney, or ‘New School Cockney’ – the latest evolution of non-posh Londoner – this a time to embrace your inner Cockney.

Can you be among the 100 people, chipping in £20 to bring the idea alive and receive a limited edition ‘museum in a pocket’ deck of 50 cards. They tell the fabulous story of Cockney, unveiling its people – from the Matchgirl strikers to the Cable Street antifascists, its flavours from Pie’n’Mash to Brick Lane curries, the first reference in ‘Piers Plowman’ in 1362 to Cockney films, musical, and telly, and more.

Beginning March 4th, our virtual Museum will also come to in a spectacular outdoor nightly display at Toynbee Hall, Aldgate. Additionally, you can explore it anytime, anywhere via this website.

At the heart of our mission is challenging how the stories and voices of non-posh people – like Cockney, Brum, Geordie, Scouse, or Weegie – don’t have cultural institutions to define, defend, or advance their collective interests. As a result, their stories get told by others. Stories usually full of negative stereotypes, misinformation, or even airbrushed out of history.

We don’t need a Royal Institute of Cockney. Our Festival with its virtual Museum, instead enables you to explore and celebrate your shared identities based on positive, inclusive values, boosting your sense of, confidence, pride, self-compassion, and purpose.

We do need however, your help to provide the valuable funds to make a difference.

Be proud of your affinity with non-posh Londoners and celebrate your pride.

Invite your family, friends, neighbours, or colleagues to join you in celebrating being a modern Cockney.

Be one of just a hundred people, who can make the Festival happen, to receive your limited edition ‘museum in a pocket’ telling the story of Cockney in 50 objects.

Do something. Chip in now.

For further information about the Modern Cockney Festival do contact us at [email protected]

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What’s your nomination for a 50th object?


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